Saturday, January 3, 2009


yup yup... I QUIT smoking. and yes I started with Chantix and yes it messed with my head. I decided to go COLD ASS TURKEY!! and I am doing pretty damn good. I am on only day three but hey. I feel pretty confident that I can keep this up. It helps that I started 365 and I quit smoking on the same Easy for my weird ass brain to keep track...
I absolutely Love this photo right now. I have not had one craving. yes I am tired. bitchy, grumpy.. withdrawn. I want to run and I want to hide. but at least I don't want to smoke!!!!
My Mom is so proud of me I know She is looking down from heaven!. and I am sure a lot of people say. WOW day 3 not that big of a deal. But I know in my HEART this it! This is my TIME to QUIT!!


  1. I'm so proud of you for not smoking!! You can do it, and your right your Mom is WAY WAY PROUD!! WOOT WOOT!

  2. Congrats to you!! You can do it and your mom should be proud! As should you!!!

  3. congrats to you !!!

  4. "You can do it"............I want to say that with the entire Rob Schnieder effect but I cannot over the internet ;)
    Love ya girl

  5. Congrats to you!!! An when you still not smoking next year I bring you a lasagne :-)

  6. WOW!!! Super photo but even more amazing is your ability to go cold turkey and NOT want to smoke. As an avid smoker I have nothing but respect and appreciation for those who manage to quit!! You can totally do it!

    Thanks for sharing your Project 365 with us!!

    Mine is here if you want to add me:

  7. Great picture and good luck on quitting smoking. You can do it!

  8. Yep, we will come next year to the states, my DH family live in Phoenix and the BiL from my SiL are in San Diego, so it's no problem with that homemade GERMAN lasagne *lol*

  9. Hey, I don't even know you and I'm proud of ya. My husband is a smoker and it is his biggest fault in my eyes. lol And that's saying something for a man...

  10. Woooooohoooooo!!! Congrats on quitting!!! I hope you keep up the great work!

  11. Wonderful photo - I love it and good luck you get kick this thing!

  12. Way to go!!! this photo is just awesome! I need to quit smoking too, maybe I could go with your idea, picking up a GOOD habit instead of another bad one! keep us updated on your progress!
