Friday, January 9, 2009


This is what I came up with. I am faking me being OH SO freakin happy when I am really frusterated and pissed off. and here I am free writing on BLOGGER. I think I am actually getting over 365... its HARD CORE YO!! and yes... i kinda smoked cigarette :( that is why I am sooo ANGRY@@ PEACE OUT !!!


  1. Tomorrow is a new day, keep your chin up! I thought your picture today looked amazing!

  2. Aww T I love this photo!! And dont be so hard on yourself about smoking.. We all fall off the bandwagon a time or two.. Just get back up on it and keep trying!! Don't give up! You know Im here for you to help you through whatever it is!! We need to focus on our VIRTUAL hangout! LOL

  3. It's a super fun photo, even if the happiness is faked. :) I'm sad to hear that you smoked, but I hope you're giving yourself a break about it - an addiction is an addiction and they don't call it that for nothing.

    Good luck getting back on track with that, but meanwhile, keep those awesome photos coming!

  4. I love your picture! As for the smoking, don't be too hard on yourself. It is better to admit you had a weak moment than to give up on a dream :) Good Luck!

  5. fun photo....I can't even tell you were frustratd!

  6. Hope tomorrow brings a happy day for you! It looks beautiful, Tanya :)

  7. Great photo! You don't look frustrated at all! :) Don't feel bad about a weak moment. Last year I quit for 4 months and then started back up...haven't been able to pull myself together enough to kick it again. Tomorrow is a new day, you can do it!

  8. we should get together, Randall got me a really nice camera and a few different lenses to start taking pics, I have always loved photography and I needed a hobby so I want to learn more and I know you can teach me a few things:)

    keep working on giving up smoking! it will be great when its all over:)

  9. OMG this is SO cute!!!! I love your expression! I can not even tell your frustrated, hugs though! I totally understand!

  10. I think this photo is great! I don't want to say pretty much what everyone else has said so I'll tell you that if it's the right time for you to quit smoking then it will happen. =) Good luck no matter what. I love everyone of your photos so far =)

  11. Wow, this is awesome, looks soooooooo great!! I stop with smoking next month 3 years ago, it is so great and you will stop it anytime, too ;)
    CU tomorrow!!!

  12. So, did acting happy get you out of the rut?! Sometimes acting happy will actually make you happy again, I hope it worked for you! And like the others said, there is always tomorrow!
    CU then

  13. wow fab shot and love all your photos... So awsome you're stading in front of the camera all these times. That's why I got a very neat camera, si I can stand behind it and take the photos! LOL
